love me and leave me

i have a problem. all my friends move away.
no, seriously! let me explain.
i have lots of friends, but i rarely have those to cry with, shop with and swap with. you know the kind that you can just drop kids off at with short/no notice. the kind who is willing to call you at 2:00am just to cry to you.
i have had less than a handful of these girlfriends during that past 15 years. making these friends is hard. i NEED this kind of friend.
this week i found out that another is moving. of the handful of girlfriends like this that i've had over 15 years only 1 still lives within driving distance. this week i learned that i'm losing another one. sigh. todd even mentioned that i should make friends with someone we don't like just to get them to move.
on the funny side wiki has a whole article dedicated to how to say goodbye to a friend. (13 year old girls' must use wiki a lot!)

How to Say Goodbye to Your Best Friend That Is Moving
Saying goodbye to a friend is not an easy thing to do. This article will help you say it and say it right.

1. As soon as you find out he or she is moving, let it sink in. Think about it...they're going to be gone. Gone. From then on, spend every moment you can with them, do things that your friend likes to do even if you don't.
2. Do not blame his or her parents/spouse. Maybe that friend's dad/spouse got a better job, or maybe they just need to go.
3.Cry as often as you like, holding it in isn't going to help.
4.Make a goodbye card for your friend. Include that he or she was and still is your Best Friend Forever (BFF).
5.Create a special present for her/him to remember you. It can be a photo album of pictures of you two, a poem you wrote for him/her,or what ever you think of that would mean a lot to your BFF.
6.Write to them, call them, email them, IM them, all of that once your friend moves... you do not want to lose touch with that friend!
7.Make new friends, but keep the old.
8.Be sure to tell your friend that you will love them forever. If you two were really attached, then it may be best that you tell her/him that you'll call them everyday (depending on your level of attachment)or every other day, every weekend, and so on.
9.You can even write a letter to make him/her special(Do not settle for printed copy).Mention the moments you shared etc.Make them realize the void in your life after them.

Tips: Tell them that you'll love him/her forever.
Don't stop being Best Friends, and don't lose contact.
Depending on level of attachment and other friends, don't switch to a new best friend.


ashley said...

so are we on that list of people that you loved that moved. i don't know if we ever cried together, but i know you sure made me laugh every time we talked, and that is way better than crying.
who else is moving? it's those darn cold winters i tell ya.
so, just found your blog and had to say hi! so hi!

Sharis The Bunny said...

Well, you can't drop by at a moment's notice -- I mean, you CAN, but it's like a 6 hour drive or something, so it's not all that feasible. Unless you're into that whole road-trip-with-kids-at-a-moments-notice-paying-extreme-gas-prices thing -- but I'm always here for you.

What's it been, like 17 years now? This month it will be 17 years! That's more than 1/2 my life! Weeni, I think you might be stuck with me for the long poor, poor soul :)