self improvement

there comes times in life where you look around and realize that the rut that you are in is not going away and the best thing you can do is pull up your boot straps and move on. we are at that point in life so.....
we've got lots of things we are changing around this house. these are the simple things in life, that most people have, use, do or take for granted. the things that make you feel good or special.
i will post several of these much needed improvements in our life over the next several days.

the first improvement?


a bedding set!?
we've been married almost 16 years and in  that time we have never had a bed set. we had a gorgeous quilt made for our wedding, but it is far too nice to use with children around, but too large to display. that gorgeous quilt is folded nicely in a closet awaiting a day when it can be loved the way it needs to be. we've been using a thin raggedy quilt that i think was given to us by someone not using it. point being, we didn't buy it.
after budgeting, online shopping and "thrifting" we went out  and found a durable set that suits both a finicky hubsters and a carefree me. voila' . spanking new bed set.
 it's not a gorgeous hand me down quilt, but it is a huge improvement!


Christie Norris said...

So we'll just pull up our bootstraps, and do what papa says. We'll say our prayers and thank the Lord, for what we have.
(Isn't that the song from the primary play you were in years ago?)

myrtle budge said...

Ok, I love it. Someday when I'm rich (pause for laughter) . . .