we knew it was coming.......eventually

we've sort of been up in the air with our housing situation recently. well we got the answer in the form of an email from our landlord. in short she is not selling, to us or anybody, but is instead fixing the house up a little to move back in.
we have to be out by june 1st.
i know. school doesn't even get out until june 21st, and could there be a busier time! all things will be fine, it's just having that final date is now daunting. we are pretty sure where we are moving too, but that too has some "situations" attached.

needless to say we are very much looking forward to having our own house!!!


Elise said...

Wow, good luck with everything. I sure hope you stay in the ward. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you or your family.

myrtle budge said...

where is "to"?

Erika said...

It's sometimes really nice when those big decisions are made for you. Crazy! Good luck with the hunt. Hopefully you'll be able to stay nearby!

The Queen Vee said...

Where will you be moving to?

Christie Norris said...

The IRS has a new $8,000 credit for 2009 now that you don't have to repay that you can claim on your taxes next year when you file.