poor poor lucy!

what? you didn't know my car's name was lucy?
this is what happens when mom is in a hurry to get out of the house on time. i backed out of my parent's driveway right into their neighbor. in my defense he was sitting at an angle in the middle of the the private drive.
i was so sad! so, so, so sad. i have a very personal relationship with my car. i spend more time with her than with anyone. plus she takes nicely to me....occasionally.
this is technically my first accident. i've backed out of a garage with a door open, and been a passenger in other accidents, but those don't really count. i had to get a rental and the only car they had was a hummer. seriously? a hummer. it was an interesting week to say the least.



Poor Poor Katrina is more like it! It's brutal when your car gets banged up...especially a beloved car. Sigh... What was the hummer like? Do you have Lucy back?

myrtle budge said...

hopefully she won't have to go to car heaven like our Olive. And hopefully our Grace will make it a while. Love the name by the way!

Christie Norris said...

Perhaps you should never be allowed to back out of driveways. I seem to remember a Jeep incident as well...