the joy of children

there's a 3 year gap between elijah and sarah. it's what we call "recovery time". elijah was a complete loon! seriously! he's my absolute sweetheart now, but phew...there were days.
anyway, i digress. the 3 year gap was designed to gear me up for the next one, sarah. she is definitely living up to her brothers' standards of terror.


Pour Les Enfants said...

Oh my goodness. She looks like such an angel at Church on Sundays. She could not possibly do this. I hope it all cleaned up easily. Best of luck to you. Keep me updated.

Jen said... I dare ask what the reddish hue in the toilet is?

Christie Norris said...

I don't think I really want to know what it all contains. I guess you should be glad James didn't try to flush it several times to fix it. :)O