big weekend for boys

this was a big weekend at our house.
saturday was jp's 10th birthday. my 10th mother's day (which is the next post to be published tomorrow)

this boy is growing up fast. he wrote out his birthday wish list, and got everything on it. the most exciting gift was a book. a percy jackson series book.
he's such a great kid. always kind and thoughtful and is generally pleasant between 7:30am-7:00pm :)
this was a tough birthday for him because he had to share it with another exciting event

baby e's baptism
a very sweet event for a very sweet boy. he turned 8 in april and was ready to get baptized.
it's such a sweet time for parents to watch a child make a big step in their life, even if they don't grasp the full extent of their decision. we are proud of him. we see big things ahead for this kid. his father gets a special time during a blessing that gives great insight into this boy, and let me tell you this kid is a kind, understanding young man. sigh.
love these boys and i am so proud of them for being the strong young men that they are and for what they are growing up to be. many more exciting times ahead for us with these two.

1 comment:

KickButtMommy said...

Very handsome boys you have there. You SHOULD be proud!